2  F R I E N D S,  B E A R D S,  B E E R,  C O F F E E  &  V I N Y L 


We’d like you to know us a little better!


Robert Shop owner and barber

Robert is from London where he grew up, went to school and became a professional barber. He worked in a barber’s shop in London for 3 years before becoming friends with Paul at the annual Lovebox Festival in London. They decided to travel together and finally opened their shop in Berlin, Germany.

Paul Shop co-owner and barber

Paul is from Birmingham. After finishing his training as barber he set out to discover Europe with his best friend Robert. They decided to settle in Berlin, Germany and opened their own barber’s shop there.

Tina Barkeeper

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Jonas Trainee

Jonas is from Hamburg and decided to move to Berlin after finishing his education. He now learns the barber’s handiwork from Robert.